Pics That Convert

Can anyone give me an example of a billboard you saw while driving in the past 24 hours? If you've been driving for 10+ years, I would imagine that would be difficult, as you are likely numb to the billboards you see along the roads.

The same is true for ads on Facebook. We scroll our feeds and a glossy, flawless picture screams ADVERTISEMENT. We are so used to seeing ads that we will breeze on by your perfectly photoshopped ad without even considering what sort of discount you're offering or selling.

It becomes even worse when you have hundreds of retailers all going after a similar audience AND using the same pics for ads. Ahem drop shipper pics. Suddenly those pretty faces in the too staged, too slick pics become too perfect for ad campaigns. They become a familiar faceless face in our feeds that we strictly associate with a sponsored post.

Don't even get me started on stock photos with a plain white background w the girl that looks like a mannequin. 🥵

What's the solution? Natural pics taken with your phone.

If you're using a drop shipper, be more selective with the items you want on your site, order those samples and take some mirror selfies. Treat the drop shipper like a regular vendor instead of a get out of jail free card. A full blown drop shipper might give the appearance of saving you time, but I guarantee it's not helping you make more money.

I can for sure tell you that the boutiques with the most natural looking pictures & videos see the best return on their ads. Boutiques using drop shippers and NOT swapping out the pics see the worst return. In the middle of the road are the boutiques using portrait mode without a full view of the item for sale.

When in doubt, go for a well lit mirror selfie. Remember, the person running your ads cannot turn water into wine and spending even $30 a day on ads with pics that don't convert will deteriorate your business.


Shipping Thresholds


Sales Numbers - Feelings Aren’t Facts