Elevate Your Boutique
Stop spinning your wheels. Build up your online boutique business BEFORE you start paying for ads.
It’s time to go from crying boutique owner to thriving boutique owner.

You’ve tried everything, you feel stuck driving the hot mess express around the hamster wheel, wondering why in the world no one is buying from you.
Meanwhile, it seems like all other boutiques with bigger followings are having their best month ever.
It can’t be YOU. You’re doing everything right!
✅ You’re posting on your page…
But no one is commenting because of the algorithm.
✅ You’re getting clicks to your site…
But no one is shopping because… they can’t afford to iN tHiS eCoNoMy.
Now you’re stuck comparing yourself to all these girls having their best month ever and it’s making you really hard on yourself, which also doesn’t help things. It’s just so frustrating!
You feel like you’re doing EVERYTHING, but still not seeing the sales come in.
Maybe Facebook ads will help…
That’s probably how you found Elevated E-Commerce 👋
Searching for answers in one of the many Facebook groups you’re in — you came across one of our posts or a comment from one of our clients that Facebook ads helped them scale their boutique.
Hey babe!
I’m Danielle, owner of Elevated E-Commerce and creator of Elevate Your Boutique. Wooooo I’ve certainly had those spiraling thoughts before. I used to have a boutique and lemme tell you, it was rough. I had a lot of success in a similar business and thought the experience would seamlessly transfer to an online boutique. It didn’t.
I thought ads would be the answer.
Give money to the man behind the Facebook curtain and POOF - the sales would flow in. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Instead, I ended up giving A LOT of money to Facebook and to the people managing my ads. It makes me sick thinking about how much money it was. I definitely don’t want that to happen to you.
It has a lot of great info!
We are getting through the course you made, it has a lot of great info in it! Your explanations of things are very easy to follow and are showing how we can easily make some changes that it seems like we have needed to for a while. Thank you!
Ryan B, Owner of Heathered Boho Boutique
The Reality…
Running Facebook ads is not a flip of a switch from no sales to booming success.
🍷 Not even the best marketer can turn water into wine. And there is no magic wand.
🎯 There’s only the right kind of intentional effort that builds a strong foundation that can support successful, profitable ads when your business is ready.
👀 Step off that hamster wheel & take off those comparison trap glasses.
🔥 Let’s get you on the right path to building a rock solid foundation for your online boutique so you can be the one with the secret sauce everyone else is wondering about.
Can you even imagine what life would be like not having to decode the algorithm? Knowing exactly what to post on your Facebook page so conversation happens in the comments.
Not only will people be commenting on your page, but your ideal shoppers will be headed right from click to checkout because they’ll actually see what you’re posting AND they’ll be able to picture themselves wearing everything you post!
I know you’re probably already in a few boutique-themed Facebook groups, have a boutique bestie, and may have even taken a course on how to run Facebook ads yourself…
But somehow you still made it here, which means:
You’re still looking for that missing puzzle piece to take your boutique to the next level.
Trust me, I get it!

I lost $$$$ when I tried ads for my own boutique
When I first tried Facebook ads for my boutique, I was missing that rock solid foundation. Instead of booming sales, I watched thousands of dollars disappear from my bank account 😭
The ads company I hired didn’t have any checks in place to make sure I would actually be successful running ads. They were more focused on building a partnership with my credit card than with me 😠
All of that changed when I discovered that a rock solid foundation for online boutiques was required before even starting Facebook Ads.
Since then,
I’ve spent over $10 million on Facebook ads working with boutiques over the last couple of years, AND throughout that time, I started to notice trends among the boutiques who’s ads were getting clicks to their site, but not getting sales.
I discovered they all seemed to be the same kind of hot mess: spinning their wheels, living in the comparison trap, just sporadically posting vs intentionally driving conversation on their Facebook pages, with no rhyme or reason to their inventory. They all had the same gaps in their pictures, product descriptions and on their websites.
The gaps boutiques with high-converting ads didn’t have. I started to thread together the trends and developed Elevate Your Boutique, which teaches you how to have a thriving online boutique business before you start paying for ads.

If you’ve been asking yourself:
“How do I know when I’m ready for Facebook ads?”
Then this toolkit is for you!
The Elevate Your Boutique Toolkit ensures your online boutique is ready for Facebook ads
This toolkit will help you...
💫 Bring your Facebook Page to life
🛍️ Identify your Ideal Shopper and why that matters
✏️ Write Perfect Product Descriptions
📸 Take pictures that convert
⚡ Tweak your website so it helps people checkout
💥 Create 6 week sales plan
I want to make my online boutique Facebook ad-ready!
Here’s the deal
Many of y’all simply are not ready for Facebook advertising yet.
It’s not that your boutique or your brand or your ideas are not *good enough* — it’s simply that you’re missing the foundational strategy necessary to elevate your online boutique to the next level.
There are too many cracks in your foundation to see any profit.
Sure, I could sign you up for ads, even though you’re not ready (like that long-ago ads agency did to me!) and in 3 months you’d cancel because you didn’t see results. You’d have a bad taste in your mouth for ads and no matter how many times I pointed out the cracks in your foundation, I’d be the reason your ads didn’t perform.
The LAST thing I want is for you to waste your hard-earned money 💸
Instead, I constantly turn people away who aren’t ready for Facebook ad management, give them tons of tips, they promise they are going to implement and tell them to reach back out in 90 days.
But TBH, you already know what happens… 😒
Or people INSIST they will work fixing the cracks in the foundation while I run ads, but guess what? That doesn’t happen either.

The Elevate Your Boutique Toolkit is what online boutiques have been waiting for
Your step-by-step roadmap to getting your online boutique ready for (profitable!) Facebook advertising.
The Elevate Your Boutique Toolkit
Is the exact blueprint for a strong foundation before you start paying for ads.
You wouldn’t invest in a house standing on faulty foundation, so why would you invest in ads before your business is ready?
Stop spinning your wheels and ramp up your boutique BEFORE you start paying for ads. It’s time to go from crying to thriving.

Ready to build the essential foundation for your online boutique?
Once you implement the tools I give you throughout Elevate Your Boutique your boutique should have a rock solid foundation, ready for ads!
I say *should* because you can’t just watch the videos and BOOM. You really have to start what you learn in the course. You have to be intentional with your posts, with who your ideal shopper is and you’ve got to take the right kind of pics.
I cannot wait for you to have those lightbulb moments when you realize alllllll the ways you’ve been over thinking so many of these things.
Peek inside the Elevate My Boutique Toolkit
Upon enrollment you’ll have immediate access to:
💻 Video Lessons
⚡ Business Suite tutorials
📝 Worksheets for tracking progress on your Facebook page
🛍️ A step by step guide on identifying your ideal shopper
📸 Tricks on how to take the perfect inventory pictures
💰 Tech tutorials on how to setup your website to help people checkout
And don’t forget your special bonuses!
6 Week Sales Planning Guide
Crafting the PERFECT Facebook Post Guided Worksheet
How to Write a High-Converting Product Description Guide
✅ Cultivate thriving engagement on your Facebook Page
✅ Identify your ideal shopper
✅ Write product descriptions that give your ideal shopper confidence to checkout and minimize returns
✅ Spend less time overthinking inventory pictures
✅ Get off the hot mess express and organize your monthly sales plan
✅ Take your ideal shoppers from click to checkout on your website
Let’s elevate your boutique!
You’re here because you think Facebook ads are the next step for your boutique.
But are Facebook Ads the answer? You may be surprised…
Let’s compare… In order for Facebook ads to really make a difference, you need to spend a minimum of $100/ day. We charge a $500 setup fee and $1,500/ month to manage those ads. One month of ad spend plus the management fees is $5,000 and there are zero guarantees.
You could beg me to run the ads anyway and promise me all day long you’ll make the changes I suggest necessary for the ads to really work. We’d start running them and let’s be realistic… What would happen?
I literally cringed looking at my old boutique business page while putting together this course. No wonder my ads didn’t succeed and no one was shopping. The overall vibe just didn’t make sense and it was a complete hot mess. After you go through this course, you’ll look back on old posts and you won’t even recognize the boutique owner you used to be.
Let’s makeover your boutique so you can finally realize the success you deserve!
Elevate Your Boutique is for:
✅ Boutique Owners, E-Commerce Stores, Product Based Businesses and Social Retailers
✅ Boutique Owners not yet ready to spend $100 per day or more on Facebook ads
Elevate Your Boutique is not for:
🚫 Anyone without a product based business
🚫 Anyone that isn’t ready to take the time to implement the material in this course
🚫 Boutique Owners ready to spend $100 (or more) on Facebook ads
Got questions?
You’re probably already part of several boutique themed Facebook groups. You probably don’t need another one to keep you busy and preoccupied.
You will not be alone in this! Once enrolled, you are welcome to email questions to our support team at hello@elevated-ecommerce.com, but we really would encourage you to post questions to the Elevated E-Commerce Facebook Page! Gotta practice what I preach 😉
Due to the digital nature of the course and the fact that we believe you will truly love it, NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE FOR ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Please read through everything to make sure the course is a good fit before enrolling. If you have any questions, e-mail: hello@elevated-ecommerce.com and we’d be happy to help!
The ONLY type of ads we’d encourage you running at this point are abandoned cart retargeting ads and carousel ads to your existing customer list. These ads aren’t designed to grow, but instead to nurture existing customers.
If you want Elevated E-Commerce to set this up and manage it for you, there is a one-time setup of $500 and a monthly management fee of $100. You won’t spend more than $5/ day on these two ads.
To add on Facebook ads management, please apply using the form linked here.
It’s completely self paced, so that’s up to you! I recommend having a couple hours per week to review the material, absorb then implement it!
Once enrolled, you have lifetime access to the course, so you can always come back to things when you need a refresh!
Because of the labor intensive steps required to run ads, our rates for ad management won’t be discounted.