Facebook Retargeting Ads

Facebook has several types of Facebook ads, however the one I’d like to focus on in this post is Retargeting.

Retargeting can mean a couple different things depending on the context, but for us it’s pretty straight forward.

A retargeting ad targets anyone who viewed content and/ or added to cart, but did not purchase within a determined time frame and shows them the items they viewed and/ or added to cart.

IMO - If you’re an e-commerce store, you should 100% have a retargeting ad setup, even if this is the ONLY ad you are running.

Most people are always shopping online, they don’t go shopping like we used to go to malls. So this means they were likely viewing your store, adding to cart, but got distracted by a text, kid, etc. They just need a simple reminder that they wanted to buy something they were looking at! This is exactly what retargeting ads are for.

The absolute beauty of these ads: they are effective even with a budget of $1/ day.

Let’s look at an example:


The caption of the ad acts as a reminder that the person viewing has already seen this item, so there’s not need to really “sell” them on it. The call to action is clear, “treat yourself” and we don’t need to offer a promo code because we already know they are interested in the item!

Here are the results of this ad, which has been running since January 2022 at $1/ day.

Dates Active: 01/18/22 - 07/18/22
Total ad spend: $163
Purchase Revenue: $1,283
*ROAS: 7.87x
Number of purchases: 22
Average order value: $58

*ROAS: return on ad spend, for every $1 spent, this is how much you get back

Not bad for an ad that never has to be refreshed and just runs in the background.


Facebook Dynamic Ads


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