Check Yo’self!

Y’all I can’t tell you how often I run into this. We don’t go through the entire checkout process with a new ads client prior to starting ads because we assume they have done their due diligence to make sure their website is READY.

What happens is two weeks into ads I’m seeing a ton of adds to cart but no checkouts, so we run a test and sure enough one or more of the following is happening:

  • shipping not enabled

  • no quick pay options (apple pay, PayPal, etc)

  • shipping costs WAY too high

  • shipping not enabled for all products

  • free shipping threshold is way too high

  • shipping doesn’t calculate for certain zip codes

  • tax doesn’t calculate correctly (this is a new fun one for me now that I live in a state w no tax in clothes)

  • too many pop ups

Pleasssssse do yourself a favor and run through the entire checkout process as a customer. Better yet, have a friend do it and let them give you feedback.


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