Facebook Ad Basics

What is a Meta [Facebook] Pixel and why do you need one? 

  • Simply put a Pixel is a piece of code you install on your website to track everything from page views to email sign ups to clicks to purchases. It helps you understand the actions people take on your website and it is required for tracking the desired outcome of any ads your run to your site.

  • For example: if you want to run an ad for people to buy a shirt on your website and you spend $10/ day sending people to the link for that shirt, without a Pixel the results of that ad will always show 0 purchases. If there is nothing on your site that is connected to Facebook to report the sales tied to that ad, your ad will always look like it’s failing.

  • Example: if you want to run an ad for people to subscribe to your email list on your website, but don’t have a Pixel any emails that subscribe will not be reported back to Facebook, your ad will show zero results and the ad will never optimize.

Where do I get a Pixel? 

What is optimization? 

  • Optimization is basically the way your Meta [Facebook] ad learns who will most likely take the desired action you selected (convert) on that ad. Meta uses highly advanced predictive AI to search through the data points of all users across all platforms to match the contents of your ad with someone who is likely to convert.

  • Types of conversion actions you can select your ad to pursue: sales, app installs, event RSVPs, engagement, video views, page visits, lead generation.

  • How can YOU help the optimization process to see more conversions: bulk up the contents of your ad.

    • If you have a product based business: include very robust product descriptions, full of keywords that the AI can use to match with data points on its users.

    • If you have a service based business: include robust details on your landing pagel full of keywords that the AI can use to match with data points on its users.

  • Think of it as a scavenger hunt - the ad will perform better and find MORE results with the more clues you provide! The less clues you provide, the longer its going to have to sift through it’s millions of users, which will cause your advertising costs to go way up and it will take much longer for your ad to convert.

  • We have TONS of other tips on this, including the importance of being super social on social media because your Facebook Business Page and Instagram Business Profile all offer more clues and help the AI find more conversions!

Boosting a post vs running an ad

  • There are some BIG differences in boosting a post vs running an ad. Let’s break it down. Boosting a post, also referred to as promoting a post is super simple and doesn’t require you to navigate through the maze that is Ads Manager.

  • Boosting/ Promoting A Post

    • A few clicks to create

    • Optimized for engagement ONLY

      • Engagement is categorized as any of the following:

        • Like, reaction, comment, 3 second video view, the ad being displayed on someone’s feed 3 seconds or longer

    • Broad audience targeting

      • Ever wonder why you see sponsored post for a local business that is not local to you? This is exactly why. They’ve boosted a post vs building an ad and they are targeting everyone in the United States

  • Running An Ad

    • Requires setting up a Business Manager and understanding how to use Ads Manager

    • Optimization options for multiple desired outcomes including purchases, leads, etc

    • Refined audience targeting

      • Do you want to target all women over the age of 30 within 25 miles of your zip code who also like white wine? No problem.

  • The absolute ONLY time we will ever be ok with someone boosting a post is if you they more engagement on a FB Biz Page post AND that is the ideal audience.

Run An Ad: You have an in person event, you created a post about it and want to spread the word - boosting a post is NOT ideal because you cannot guarantee that all your existing page followers are local. 

Run An Ad: You have a 30 second video and you want people to watch at least half of it. Boosting is not ideal because a boost will only get you 3 second views. 

Run An Ad: You want to send people to your website and to take a specific action on your site (lead, purchase, add to cart, subscribe). Boosting is not ideal because you cannot set a desired action through a boost. 

Boost/ Promote: You posted a picture and want engagement. 


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